- Silver staining method for DNA in polyacrylamide gels using eriochrome black T as a silver-ion sensitizer.
Silver staining method for DNA in polyacrylamide gels using eriochrome black T as a silver-ion sensitizer.
Electrophoresis (2006-03-29)
Sun-young Hwang, Li-tai Jin, Gyurng-soo Yoo, Jung-Kap Choi
A sensitive silver staining method using eriochrome black T as a silver-ion sensitizer for DNA detection in polyacrylamide gels was developed. The sensitivity of this staining method was significantly improved by the new silver-ion sensitizer containing a diazo group, which has reducing power. The staining method lasted a total of approximately 15 min following a fixing step for 2 x 20 min. The detection limit of this staining method was 1-4 pg for PhiX174 DNA/HaeIII in both nondenaturing and denaturing polyacrylamide gels. This staining method was especially effective in low-base pair DNA, with a sensitivity that was approximately ten-fold higher than previously published silver staining methods.