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Coexpression of keratin and vimentin in damaged and regenerating tubular epithelia of the kidney.

The American journal of pathology (1987-10-01)
H J Gröne, K Weber, E Gröne, U Helmchen, M Osborn

Most renal cell carcinomas coexpress vimentin and keratin, while renal tubular epithelia express only keratin. Investigation of the intermediate filament composition of tubular epithelia in diseased rat and human kidneys now shows that altered tubular epithelia unequivocally coexpress keratin and vimentin. In rats, pronounced coexpression of vimentin and keratin was observed in chronic nephrosis induced by daunomycin, and the extent of coexpression seemed to increase with the incidence of altered collapsed and cystically dilated tubules and with the degree of tubular epithelial proliferation. It was also seen during tubular regeneration after acute tubulotoxic injury induced by mercury chloride poisoning, with vimentin expression being lost in fully regenerated tubular epithelium. In man, expression was seen in chronically and irreversibly damaged kidneys. Thus, vimentin can be expressed temporarily in acutely and reversibly damaged kidneys and chronically in irreversibly damaged kidneys. Vimentin could perhaps be regarded as an indicator of the regenerating and proliferating activity of tubular lesions.