PFAS is increasingly becoming a household term as more headlines reach more and more of the population. Although aqueous samples still make up the majority of PFAS tests, solid samples are generally increasing in numbers and aren’t limited to soils and sediments. Consumer products, tissues, and blood are now routinely tested for PFAS. PFAS in air also have multiple workflows ranging from stack emissions to ambient air. Each of these matrices has unique challenges associated with the exhaustive extraction and quantitation of PFAS, which may require more than one instrument approach for success.
The confidence in the quantitation of PFAS in these matrices heavily relies on isotope dilution techniques, which are integral to defensible data. Even with advanced instrumentation and a suite of isotopically labeled PFAS analogs, mitigation of laboratory background is a constant concern. All these factors are encountered on a daily basis and challenge the analytical laboratory. This study aims to survey the analytical approaches associated with the wide variety of matrices currently analyzed in the analytical laboratory.
In this webinar, we will cover:
- How to address the challenges of extracting and measuring PFAS in a wide variety of matrices, including water, soils, air, and blood
- Strategies for dealing with laboratory background levels of PFAS
- How to ensure confidence in the quantitation of PFAS

Andrew Patterson
Eurofins Environment Testing America
Corporate Technical Director, Specialty Services
Andrew Patterson is the Corporate Technical Director for Eurofins Environment Testing America for the Specialty Services division. He brings over 20 years of experience in the environmental laboratory field with a focus on HRGC/HRMS analyses and LC–MS/MS analyses. His use of these approaches has focused on PCBs, dioxins, brominated flame-retardants, PFAS, emerging contaminants, and human biomonitoring. He is among a handful of Eurofins scientists focused on developing spectroscopy methods for microplastic analysis. Prior to Eurofins, Andrew was the Technical Director for an analytical laboratory in Northern California where he developed the capability for the analysis of PFAS and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) within the laboratory and oversaw HRMS operations. Andrew holds a Bachelors of Science in Microbiology with a concentration in Biochemistry from Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, California, USA.
Environmental and cannabis testing
- Waste water and process water testing
Duration:1h 5min
Session 1:presented December 2, 2022
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