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Life science-leading tools and reagents for target and lead discovery, and preclinical screening
Your critical drug discovery work may be in a CRO, pharmaceutical, or biotech lab that screens for drug targets, therapeutic leads, ADME/toxicity screening for small molecule therapeutics, and/or immune responses to biotherapeutics. No matter where your screening process takes place, your team requires reagents of consistently high quality for drug discovery that is truly predictive of clinical efficacy and safety.
Our solutions for scalable-throughput screening encompass:
- Biologically-relevant, customizable assays amenable to automation
- Reagents that enhance throughput by enabling miniaturization of assays
- Reagent and consumable lot reservation, with a broad catalog that streamlines procurement
- Documentation that addresses C of O, Synthetic vs. Animal Origin, Original Manufacture to enable supplier qualification
- Bulk capabilities in support of process management during scaleup/expansion
- Attentive customer support, with transparent communication regarding lead times

Lead Discovery
Our comprehensive range of disease-relevant cell lines enables tissue-specific models for drug screening. When enhanced biological relevance is needed, we’ll support your transition to high-throughput 3D cell culture models. Our organoid portfolio includes both iPSC- and patient-derived organoids, enabling drug screening with models that mimic the in vivo environment.
Gene editing is a powerful tool for achieving genome modification through knockout and knockin approaches for disease modeling.
Diverse cell analysis tools enable relevant assessment via methods like live cell imaging, with applications in cell trafficking, cell health, gene expression analysis, and cell migration. Browse reagents for live cell imaging , as well as reagents to support common cell-based assays.

High-Throughput Screening Libraries
Whether you’re looking for an off-the-shelf screening library or generating your own, we have high-throughput screening solutions to meet your requirements.
Our DNA encoded libraries enable the simultaneous interrogation of large numbers of compounds, screened in an essentially target-independent binding assay.
Streamline the process of searching, procuring, and formatting your compounds with our exceptional expertise and offering of dependable Aldrich Market Select products and services.
Accelerate pathway discovery from weeks to minutes with our SYNTHIA™ retrosynthesis software.

Preclinical Safety Testing
Screening small molecule drug candidates for safety requires assessment of drug metabolism, drug-drug interactions, and ADME/toxicity evaluation. Measuring permeability of small molecule drugs was revolutionized with the high-throughput PAMPA assay. Find a selection of plates and membranes designed for PAMPA screening.
Our CompoZr® Zinc Finger Nuclease (ZFN)-mediated knockout Caco-2 cell lines enable assessment of drug transport by comparison between the wild-type (WT) and knockout cell lines. Our iPSC-derived colon organoids provide a highly relevant model for assessment of potential compound cytotoxicity. Differentiated HepaRG cells retain major functional activities critical for drug metabolism, reactive metabolite formation, drug clearance, and CYP assays.
Assess biotherapeutic immunogenicity using our high-throughput multiplexed immunoassays, like the MILLIPLEX® Panel A that simultaneously analyzes up to 48 cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. The potency of biologics can be diminished by development of anti-drug antibodies (ADA). The SMC™ Immunogenicity bead-based assay development kit includes all you need to develop and validate an ADA assay.
The SMC™ technology can also be used to assess PK of biotherapeutics, especially for studies of micro-dosing and understanding the full clearance of drugs at low concentrations.
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