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Reaction Clean-Up

Cleanup of PCR reactions, restriction digests, sequencing reactions, and agarose and polyacrylamide gel extracts is essential for removing contaminants such as salts, enzymes, unincorporated dNTPs, primers, ethidium bromide, and other impurities that can interfere with downstream analysis. A selection of products for cleaning up DNA and RNA from enzymatic reactions or pre-purified samples is available for flexibility and convenience.


Product Number
Product Name
Product Description

GenElute™-E Clean-up Kits

GenElute™-E DNA purification kits use a negative chromatography technique dependent on size exclusion to isolate and purify nucleic acid in a single spin.

  • Simplified workflow
  • Reduced plastic waste and no hazardous binding or wash buffers
  • Eco-friendly packaging
  • Portfolio includes both DNA and RNA cleanup kits

GenElute™ PCR Clean-Up Kits

  • The GenElute™ PCR Clean-Up Kit is designed for rapid purification of single-stranded or double-stranded PCR amplification products. This kit removes 99% of primers and other components to purify up to 100 μL or 10 μg of PCR amplified DNA in 8 minutes, with recoveries up to 95%.
  • The GenElute™ 96 Well PCR Clean-Up Kit allows for high throughput purification of PCR products by vacuum or centrifugation. This kit includes the necessary reagents for purification of highly pure PCR products. DNA recovery is 75-90% for fragments of 100 to 10,000 bp with removal of primers, primer-dimers, nucleotides, salts, and polymerase.

Multiscreen® PCR cleanup filter plates

Multiscreen® PCR filter plates offer fast, automatable solutions for high-throughput PCR purification, providing high purity and high recovery.

  • >99.5% primer removal
  • MultiScreen® PCR96 filter plates for 150–300 µL volume samples
  • MultiScreen® PCR384 filter plates for 20–100 µL sample volumes
  • MultiScreen® PCRµ96 microwell filter plate recommended for small fragments (1 – 150 bp) and smaller volumes (20 – 150 µL)

GenElute™ Gel Extraction Kit

The GenElute™ Gel Extraction Kit is designed for the rapid purification of linear and plasmid DNA fragments from standard or low-melting agarose gels. This kit can also be used to purify DNA from polyacrylamide gels.

  • Binds up to 10 μg of DNA
  • Recoveries up to 80%
  • Up to 3.5 g of agarose can be processed per column
  • Compatible with both standard and low-melting agarose in TAE or TBE buffer

Montage DNA Gel Extraction Kit

The Montage DNA Gel Extraction Kit is a fast, effective solution for fully functional DNA recovery from agarose gel slices. In one 10-minute spin, the agarose gel containing the DNA of interest is fragmented and compressed to extrude the DNA ready for sequencing or cloning.

  • Maximizes DNA recovery from agarose gel slices
  • One 10-minute spin recovers fully functional DNA
  • Purified DNA is ready for cloning or sequencing

SigmaSpin® Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Columns and Plates

  • SigmaSpin® Post-Reaction Clean-Up columns are ideal for lower throughput applications and provide a fast, simple, and highly efficient method for removing unincorporated dyes, excess salts, and other interfering reaction components.
  • SigmaSpin™ 96-Well Post-Reaction Clean-Up plates provide a fast, simple, and highly efficient method for removing unincorporated dyes, excess salts, and other interfering reaction components.

Montage and Multiscreen® Sequencing Reaction Cleanup Plates

Montage and MultiScreen® Sequencing Reaction Cleanup products incorporate a patented size-exclusion membrane to yield highly purified sequencing reaction products. Available in 96- and 384-well formats, the plates follow a vacuum-driven protocol, and are automation compatible.

  • 10-minute vacuum-based protocol
  • Compatible with a variety of templates
  • Optimized for use with BigDye™ chemistries

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