Corning Cellgro Culture Cross-Reference Chart
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Corning Cellgro to our Products Cross-Reference
Compare liquid products using this table. Any difference in the product is described in the right–hand column.
Catalog No. | Product No. | Product Description | Product Differences |
10-010-CM | M4655 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
10-010-CV | M4655 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
10-013-CM | D6429 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-013-CV | D6429 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-014-CM | D6046 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-014-CV | D6046 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-016-CM | I6529 | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
10-016-CV | I6529 | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
10-017-CM | D5796 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-017-CV | D5796 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
10-022-CV | M8042 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Ours is without L-glutamine, Mediatech contains L-glutamine |
10-040-CM | R8758 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
10-040-CV | R8758 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
10-041-CM | R5886 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Ours is without L-glutamine, Mediatech contains L-glutamine |
10-041-CV | R5886 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Ours is without L-glutamine, Mediatech contains L-glutamine |
10-043-CV | R1383 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Ours is powder, Mediatech is liquid |
10-045-CV | L1518 | L-15 Medium (Leibovitz) | Exact match. No differences. |
10-050-CV | M9309 | McCoy's 5A Medium, Modified | Exact match. No differences. |
10-060-CV | M4530 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
10-070-CV | N6908 | Nutrient Mixture F-10 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
10-080-CM | N6658 | Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
10-080-CV | N6658 | Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
10-090-CV | D8062 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Ours contains 1.2 g/L sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech contains 2.4 g/L |
10-092-CM | D8437 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Ours contains 1.2 g/L sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech contains 2.4 g/L |
10-092-CV | D8437 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Ours contains 1.2 g/L sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech contains 2.4 g/L |
13-100-CV | T3285 | TNM-FH Insect Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
13-200-CV | G8142 | Grace's Insect Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
13-410-CV | I5408 | EX-CELL TiterHigh Medium | Recommended alternative |
13-415-CV | 14405C | EX-CELL 405 Serum-Free Medium | Recommended alternative. |
13-901-CI | P5556 | Pluronic F-68 solution | Exact match. No differences. |
15-010-CM | M2279 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
15-010-CV | M2279 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
15-012-CV | M4526 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
15-013-CM | D6546 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
15-013-CV | D6546 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
15-016-CV | I3390 | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
15-017-CM | D5671 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
15-017-CV | D5671 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
15-040-CM | R0883 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
15-040-CV | R0883 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
15-041-CV | R5886 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
15-100-CV | M8537 | MCDB 131 Medium | Ours is powder, Mediatech is liquid |
17-104-CI | R7513 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
17-105-CV | R7509 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
17-204-CI | D0422 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
17-205-CV | D1145 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Ours is without sodium pyruvate, Mediatech is with sodium pyruvate |
20-021-CV | H4641 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
20-023-CV | H1641 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Ours is with phenol red, Mediatech is without phenol red |
20-030-CV | D1283 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
20-031-CV | D1408 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
21-020-CM | H9269 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-020-CV | H9269 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-021-CM | H9394 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-021-CV | H9394 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-022-CM | H6648 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-022-CV | H6648 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-023-CM | H8264 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-023-CV | H8264 | Hanks' Balanced Salt Solutions | Exact match. No differences. |
21-030-CM | D8662 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
21-030-CV | D8662 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
21-031-CM | D8537 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
21-031-CV | D8537 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
21-040-CM | 806552 | Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4 | Exact match. No differences. |
21-040-CV | 806552 | Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4 | Exact match. No differences. |
25-000-CI | S8636 | Sodium pyruvate solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-005-CI | G7513 | L-Glutamine solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-005-CV | G7513 | L-Glutamine solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-015-CI | G8541 | Ala-Gln | Exact match. No differences. |
25-020-CI | M6895 | MEM Vitamin Solution (100x) | Exact match. No differences. |
25-025-CI | M7145 | MEM Non-essential Amino Acid Solution (100x) | Exact match. No differences. |
25-030-CI | M5550 | MEM Amino Acids Solution (50W) | Exact match. No differences. |
25-035-CI | S8761 | Sodium bicarbonate solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-037-CI | G8769 | D-Glucose Solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-046-CI | H0262 | HAT Media Supplement (50W) Hybri-Max. | Exact match. No differences. |
25-047-CI | H0137 | HT Media Supplement (50x) Hybri-Max. | Ours is powder, Mediatech is liquid |
25-050-CI | T4424 | Trypsin solution from porcine pancreas | Exact match. No differences. |
25-051-CI | T3924 | Trypsin-EDTA solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-052-CI | T3924 | Trypsin-EDTA solution | Ours is with sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech is without sodium bicarbonate |
25-052-CV | T3924 | Trypsin-EDTA solution | Ours is with sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech is without sodium bicarbonate |
25-053-CI | T4049 | Trypsin-EDTA solution | Ours is with sodium bicarbonate, Mediatech is without sodium bicarbonate |
25-054-CI | T4674 | Trypsin solution from porcine pancreas, 10x | Ours is with phenol red, Mediatech is without phenol red |
25-055-CM | W3500 | Water, Tissue Culture Grade | Exact match. No differences. |
25-055-CV | W3500 | Water, Tissue Culture Grade | Exact match. No differences. |
25-056-CI | C5789 | Cell Dissociation Solution, Non-enzymatic | Recommended alternative. |
25-060-CI | H0887 | HEPES solution | Exact match. No differences. |
25-072-CI | H8889 | Histopaque 1077 HybriMax | Exact match. No differences. |
25-072-CV | H8889 | Histopaque 1077 HybriMax | Exact match. No differences. |
25-800-CR | I3146 | ITS Liquid Media Supplement (100x) | Exact match. No differences. |
25-900-CI | T8154 | Trypan Blue solution | Exact match. No differences. |
30-001-CI | P4458 | Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution (50x) Stabilized | Exact match. No differences. |
30-002-CI | P4333 | Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution (100x) Stabilized | Exact match. No differences. |
30-003-CF | A2942 | Amphotericin B preparation | Exact match. No differences. |
30-004-CI | A5955 | Antibiotic Antimycotic Solution, stabilized (100x) | Exact match. No differences. |
30-005-CR | G1397 | Gentamicin solution | Exact match. No differences. |
30-006-CF | K0129 | Kanamycin solution from Streptomyces kanamyceticus | Ours is 10 mg/ml, Mediatech is 5 mg/ml |
30-009-CI | G1146 | L-Glutamine-Penicillin-Streptomycin solution | Exact match. No differences. |
30-234-CI | G8168 | G418 disulfate solution | Exact match. No differences. |
30-234-CR | G8168 | G418 disulfate solution | Exact match. No differences. |
35-010-CV | F0926 | Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA approved | Exact match. No differences. |
35-011-CV | 12306C | Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated | Exact match. No differences. |
35-015-CV | F2442 | Fetal Bovine Serum | Exact match. No differences. |
35-016-CV | F4135 | Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated | Exact match. No differences. |
35-022-CV | 12133C | Calf Serum | Recommended alternative. |
35-023-CM | C8056 | Calf Serum | Exact match. No differences. |
35-030-CV | H1270 | Horse Serum | Exact match. No differences. |
35-040-CV | P9783 | Porcine Serum | Exact match. No differences. |
35-060-CI | H4522 | Human Serum | Exact match. No differences. |
40-200-CV | C5467 | CHO Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
40-500-CM | 14660C | EX-CELL Sp2/0 Serum-Free Medium | Recommended alternative. |
40-510-CM | 14660C | EX-CELL Sp2/0 Serum-Free Medium | Recommended alternative. |
40-600-CV | 14571C | EX-CELL 293 Serum-Free Medium | Recommended alternative. |
40-700-CV | M3553 | EX-CELL MDBK-GM Medium | Recommended alternative. |
50-003-PB | D7777 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-003-PC | D7777 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-004-PB | G6148 | Glasgow Minimum Essential Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-005-PB | B9638 | Basal Medium Eagle, Earle's salts | Exact match. No differences. |
50-005-PC | B9638 | Basal Medium Eagle, Earle's salts | Exact match. No differences. |
50-010-PB | M0268 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-010-PC | M0268 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-012-PB | M0894 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-012-PC | M0894 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-013-PB | D5648 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-013-PC | D5648 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-014-PB | D5523 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-014-PC | D5523 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
50-016-PB | I7633 | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-016-PC | I7633 | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-019-PB | M4642 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-019-PC | M4642 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
50-020-PB | R6504 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-020-PC | R6504 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-025-PB | M4892 | McCoy's 5A Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-025-PC | M4892 | McCoy's 5A Medium | Exact match. No differences. |
50-030-PB | N6635 | Nutrient Mixture F-10 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
50-030-PC | N6635 | Nutrient Mixture F-10 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
50-040-PB | N6760 | Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
50-040-PC | N6760 | Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham | Exact match. No differences. |
50-045-PB | L4386 | L-15 Medium (Leibovitz) | Exact match. No differences. |
50-045-PC | L4386 | L-15 Medium (Leibovitz) | Exact match. No differences. |
50-050-BC | M5017 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
50-050-PB | M5017 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
50-051-PB | M0393 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
50-051-PC | M0393 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
51-010-PB | M0769 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
51-010-PC | M0769 | Minimum Essential Medium Eagle | Exact match. No differences. |
51-034-RR | H3375 | HEPES | Exact match. No differences. |
55-021-PB | H2387 | Hanks' Balanced Salts | Exact match. No differences. |
55-021-PC | H2387 | Hanks' Balanced Salts | Exact match. No differences. |
55-022-PB | H4891 | Hanks' Balanced Salts, Modified | Exact match. No differences. |
55-022-PC | H4891 | Hanks' Balanced Salts, Modified | Exact match. No differences. |
55-031-PB | D5652 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
55-031-PC | D5652 | Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline | Exact match. No differences. |
61-030-RM | G8540 | L-Glutamine | Exact match. No differences. |
61-030-RO | G8540 | L-Glutamine | Exact match. No differences. |
61-030-RR | G8540 | L-Glutamine | Exact match. No differences. |
61-034-RM | H4034 | HEPES | Exact match. No differences. |
61-034-RO | H4034 | HEPES | Exact match. No differences. |
61-034-RR | H4034 | HEPES | Exact match. No differences. |
61-053-MU | P7794 | Penicillin G potassium salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-065-RO | S5761 | Sodium Bicarbonate | Exact match. No differences. |
61-065-RR | S5761 | Sodium Bicarbonate | Exact match. No differences. |
61-088-RM | S9137 | Streptomycin sulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-098-RA | G1264 | Gentamicin sulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-098-RF | G1264 | Gentamicin sulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-161-RM | P1300 | Pluronic F-68 | Exact match. No differences. |
61-176-RG | K1377 | Kanamycin sulfate | Exact match. No differences. |
61-196-RM | F8016 | Ficoll 400 | Exact match. No differences. |
61-196-RO | F8016 | Ficoll 400 | Exact match. No differences. |
61-201-RM | P4963 | PRIMATONE RL | Exact match. No differences. |
61-201-RO | P4963 | PRIMATONE RL | Exact match. No differences. |
61-233-RM | T1503 | Trizma base | Exact match. No differences. |
61-233-RO | T1503 | Trizma base | Exact match. No differences. |
61-233-RR | T1503 | Trizma base | Exact match. No differences. |
61-233-RT | T1503 | Trizma base | Exact match. No differences. |
61-234-RF | A1720 | G418 disulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-234-RG | A1720 | G418 disulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-234-RK | A1720 | G418 disulfate salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-238-RH | A0166 | Ampicillin sodium salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-238-RM | A0166 | Ampicillin sodium salt | Exact match. No differences. |
61-239-RI | C1863 | Chloramphenicol, Biotechnology Performance Certified | Exact match. No differences. |
61-241-RG | N6386 | Neomycin trisulfate salt hydrate | Exact match. No differences. |
61-241-RM | N6386 | Neomycin trisulfate salt hydrate | Exact match. No differences. |
61-242-RG | T7760 | Tetracycline hydrochloride | Exact match. No differences. |
61-277-RF | 17850 | Ciprofloxacin | Exact match. No differences. |
61-277-RG | 17850 | Ciprofloxacin | Exact match. No differences. |
61-385-RA | P8833 | Puromycin dihydrochloride | Exact match. No differences. |
90-022-PB | R8755 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Ours contains L-glutamine, Mediatech is without L-glutamine |
90-022-PC | R8755 | RPMI 1640 Medium | Ours contains L-glutamine, Mediatech is without L-glutamine |
90-050-PB | M3769 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
90-050-PC | M3769 | Medium 199 | Exact match. No differences. |
90-113-PB | D5030 | Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucose | Exact match. No differences. |
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