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Detecting & Removing Aggregates

Biological products such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are prone to protein aggregation during production. Aggregation leads to challenges in the production environment, impacting the efficiency of purification operations. More importantly, it can lead to drug safety concerns for patients; high levels of aggregates can over-stimulate the patient’s immune system, resulting in adverse responses. For these reasons, the aggregate level in drug products is considered a critical quality attribute, and aggregate control throughout both upstream and downstream processing is a focus area for biomanufacturers. 

Aggregates are formed by association of multiple protein molecules (multimers) held together permanently or reversibly. They range from as few as two to many associated protein molecules.

Aggregate control starts with clone selection upstream and continues downstream with careful control of elution from capture chromatography and incubation in low pH viral inactivation steps. Excipients and stabilizers can be used to minimize aggregate formation while chromatographic steps downstream are used for efficient aggregate removal. The efficiency of some downstream operations such as virus filtration can be significantly impacted by the presence of aggregates, and adsorptive prefiltration is often used to minimize batch-to-batch variability and enhance process robustness.  

Approaches to minimize aggregate formation include:

  • Molecule and cell line manipulation
  • Careful selection of process consumables and excipients
  • Optimization and control of process parameters

Minimizing aggregates improves process efficiency, at a time when flexibility and speed to market are increasingly important.

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      Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing

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