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FIHomeLegalProduct Licenses

Product Licenses

To allow us to offer the latest technology, some of our products can only be used under specific label licenses. Depending on the product, the label license may restrict quantities, commercial applications, or other specifications. Each license applies only to the products mentioned in the license. 

MISSION® RNAi Licenses

We have acquired necessary key licenses for lentiviral systems and RNAi and provides freedom to operate under our label license for relevant purchased products.

Terms & Conditions of EMPROVE® Dossier Access

Applicable for all Dossiers provided by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, acting through its division EMD Millipore Corporation, 400 Summit Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

Oligonucleotide Label Licenses

Label licenses for our oligonucleotide products, including Black Hole Quencher™, BlackBerry® Quencher, and Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA®).

CSIRO License for RAFT Reagents

This is a license page that provides conditions to the usage of RAFT reagents available from Merck. The license is provided by Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).

ADME/Tox License Agreements

License agreement for ADME/Tox cell lines and HepaRG™ limited use license

ZFN License Agreement

Zinc Finger Nuclease (ZFN) License Agreement: Before opening or using this product, please read the terms and conditions set forth in this license agreement.

ALiCE™ Cell-Free Protein Expression System Limited Use Label License (LULL)

Read the Limited Use Label License that details how the ALiCE™ Cell Free Protein Expression System is available for in vitro research use only.

CRISPR Licensing Opportunities

We own a number of granted patents covering foundational CRISPR technologies in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Israel, Singapore, and South Korea, that are directed to the use of CRISPR/Cas in eukaryotic cells.

Roche Distribution Agreement

What products does the agreement cover? - What products are not included in the agreement? - Will production, manufacturing, and quality control remain with Roche? - What does “global exclusive distribution agreement” mean?

CRISPR Use License Agreement

This Product and its use are the subject of one or more patents controlled by The Broad Institute, Inc. (BROAD), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), or the President and Fellows of Harvard College (HARVARD).

Sigma-Aldrich CRISPR Intellectual Property

Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC’s CRISPR products and methods of making and using the same, as well as CRISPR services provided by MilliporeSigma, the Life Science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, are protected by the patents and pending patent applications on this page.

Simplifying CRISPR Licensing – from the Genome Editing Experts at Merck

Merck has announced a new licensing collaboration with the Broad Institute that can simplify your path to licensing CRISPR technology, while making it more widely available to the global research and discovery community at large.

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