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  • The rate of penetration of leaf tissues by the systemic fungicides benodanil (2-iodobenzanilide) and oxycarboxin (2,3-dihydro-6 methyl-5 phenylcarbamoyl-1,4-oxathin-4,4-dioxide).

The rate of penetration of leaf tissues by the systemic fungicides benodanil (2-iodobenzanilide) and oxycarboxin (2,3-dihydro-6 methyl-5 phenylcarbamoyl-1,4-oxathin-4,4-dioxide).

Beitrage zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmedizin (1984-01-01)
A C Udeogalanya

Leaf washing after application of benodanil and oxycarboxin reduced the protectant effect more than the eradicant effect. Oxycarboxin penetrated more rapidly than did benodanil . Residues of benodanil (WP) on the leaf surfaces can be absorbed again later in the presence of water.