Sample Preparation by Filtration

Filtration is a separation technique used to concentrate or purify substances based on their physical or chemical properties. It is a simple and routine method used in many laboratories to remove insoluble particles from solutions and to prepare samples for analysis. Filtration is used to reduce sample complexity, improve clarity of viscous samples, and reduce background signals resulting in increased signal-to-noise ratios in analytical tests.
Depending on the filtration method applied, particles or molecules are separated based on properties such as size, shape or charge. The liquid that passes through the filter is called the ‘filtrate’ and the collected or retained material is the ‘retentate’ or ‘residue’.
- Reverse osmosis (ionic separation) separates ions or molecules using a semipermeable membrane or barrier. Applied pressure overcomes osmotic pressure and forces solvent to move from a high solute concentration to a low solute concentration. Reverse osmosis rejects a high percentage of organic matter, other than particulates, and >99% of salts. The typical membrane rating is based on sodium chloride retention (<0.001 µm, <100 Daltons)
- Ultrafiltration (macromolecule separation) separates particles and dissolved molecules from fluids based on particle size. Ultrafiltration is used for concentration, fractionation, desalting, and buffer exchange. The typical rating is a nominal molecular weight limit (NMWL) between 1-1000 kDa.
- Microporous filtration (microfiltration) is used for particle retention/exclusion and sterilization because it separates/removes particles and biological entities, such as bacteria and cells, based on particle size. Pore sizes are typically between 0.025-10 µm and are rated as nominal (~98% retention) or absolute (100% retention of the size equal to the pore size rating).
- Clarification filters are used for pre-filtration and particle analysis because they retain/remove large particles, aggregates, and debris based on size. They may be used as a primary filtration step before microfiltration. Clarification filters typically have pore size ratings >5 µm. retained.
Related Technical Articles
- Syringe filter selection guide for HPLC, UHPLC, and Ion Chromatography using pore size, filter diameter, chemical compatibility, analyte binding, and extractables.
- Filtration methods and membrane filter selection in nanoparticle purification and production.
- Filtration is used in dissolution testing to end the dissolution process and prepare the sample for HPLC analysis. This page discusses the importance of filtration and utility of hydrophilic PTFE Millex® syringe filters in dissolution testing.
- Ultrafiltration using Amicon® Ultra centrifugal devices for concentrating virus in preparation of high titer virus stocks and isolation of virus from samples.
- Syringe membrane filter selection and validation methods to assess analyte loss due to membrane filter adsorption in pharmaceutical quality control (QC) testing.
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- Millicup™-FLEX disposable vacuum filter was designed to reduce contamination and save time. The solvent-resistant unit allows for filtration into storage bottles.
- Review resources about adding the Samplicity® filtration system to your HPLC workflow. Watch our step-by-step video to understand how the Samplicity® G2 filtration system works and use our application notes to learn more about how the Samplicity® G2 filtration system has been applied for HPLC sample preparation.
- -glucoside chloride; Malvidin 3-glucoside; Delphinidin 3-(6-acetylglucoside); Cyanidin 3-(6-acetylglucoside); Petunidin 3-(6-acetylglucoside); Peonidin 3-(6-acetylglucoside); Malvidin 3-(6-acetylglucoside); Malvidin 3-(6-caffeoylglucoside); Petunidin 3-(6-cumarylglucoside); Peonidin 3-(6-cumarylglucoside); Malvidin 3-(6-cumarylglucoside)
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Common Filtration Applications
- General particulate removal
- Sample preparation for analytical techniques such as HPLC, UHPLC, ion chromatography, gas chromatography, and dissolution testing
- Sterilization of cell culture additives
- Concentration of proteins, nucleic acids and polymers
- Separation of biomolecules within a sample
- Preparation of buffers
- Water purification
Filtration is an essential sample preparation step before sensitive chromatographic analysis, such as HPLC and LC-MS. Particulates in samples can interfere with liquid, gas and ion chromatography analyses by clogging columns or column heads, or by generating contaminant peaks (“ghost peaks”) on chromatograms. Proper filtration of samples, solvents and buffers generates higher quality, more consistent analytical results. It also increases instrument uptime and prolongs column life.
Types of Filtration Processes & Procedures
There are many filters with different filtration media composition, each designed for particular applications. Filter selection depends on several factors, including:
- Size of the particles or molecules to be excluded or included
- Chemical composition of the sample
- Compatibility of the filtration media with sample or solution
- Sample viscosity
Filters can be made from different types of materials, such as paper, cloth, cotton-wool, asbestos, slag- or glass-wool, unglazed earthenware, sand, or other porous material. Membrane filters are usually made from synthetic polymers (e.g. hydrophilized PTFE, PVDF, nylon, PES).
Different forces can be applied to drive the filtration process. Filtration can be driven by simple gravity using a filter and a funnel, manually as in syringe filtration, or by centrifugal force. In vacuum-driven filtration, a vacuum pump is used to rapidly draw the fluid through a filter.
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