- Pou2f3/Skn-1a is necessary for the generation or differentiation of solitary chemosensory cells in the anterior nasal cavity.
Pou2f3/Skn-1a is necessary for the generation or differentiation of solitary chemosensory cells in the anterior nasal cavity.
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (2013-10-08)
Makoto Ohmoto, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Junpei Yamashita, Alexander A Bachmanov, Junji Hirota, Ichiro Matsumoto
Solitary chemosensory cells in the non-neuronal epithelium of the anterior nasal cavity have bitter taste cell-like molecular characteristics and are involved in the detection of noxious substances. Here, we demonstrate that Pou2f3/Skn-1a, which is necessary for generation of sweet, umami, and bitter taste cells, is also necessary for the generation or differentiation of solitary chemosensory cells.