- [The role of GABAA and GABAB receptors in formation of evoked potentials in the barrel cortex of rats].
[The role of GABAA and GABAB receptors in formation of evoked potentials in the barrel cortex of rats].
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (2012-08-16)
A E Matukhno, A G Sukhov, V V Sinitsyna
By means of local microapplication of GABA, picrotoxin and CGP 52432, different roles of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the geneses of primary and secondary components of evoked potentials in the somatosensory barrel cortex of rats were shown. The authors conclude that the aftereffect rhythmical components of the evoked potentials are caused by the local pacemaker mechanisms based on endogene properties of barrel neurons.