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Acidic Western Blot Stripping Solution

Stripping and re-probing a Western blot enables sample conservation and fast correction or adjustments of antibody concentration and incubation time. This recipe is for an acidic Western blot stripping solution that uses glycine hydrochloride and the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). If the target protein is sensitive to acidic conditions, try the detergent-based stripping solcution recipe.

This recipe calculator enables the accurate preparation of acidic Western blot stripping solution for any milliliter volume. Input your desired volume, click the CALCULATE button, and the table will populate with the amounts of each component needed.

Acidic Western Blot Stripping Solution Recipe Calculator

1 L Recipe Desired Volume: mL
2.8 g of Glycine (G2879) g of Glycine
10 g of SDS (L3771) g of SDS
Adjust pH to 2.2 with HCl (H1758) Adjust pH to 2.2 with HCl
Adjust to final volume with Milli-Q® Water Adjust to final volume with Milli-Q® Water
  1. Place the blot in stripping solution and agitate for 30 minutes.
  2. Place the blot in 1X PBS and agitate for 10 minutes. Replace buffer and repeat this wash step.
  3. Proceed to the blocking step for the next immunodetection.
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