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HomeWebinarsYour Guide to Water Purification for LC-MS

Your Guide to Water Purification for LC-MS


What Does it Cover?

Do you know how the water you use in the lab is purified? In this webcast, Dr. Estelle Riche will explain how water contaminants that may interfere with your LC–MS analyses are removed down to trace levels. You will discover the latest advances in water purification technologies, and understand how they work. Finally, Dr. Riche will share practical tips on how to ensure you obtain the optimal water quality from your water purification system.

What Will You Learn?

  • Learn about the contaminants potentially present in water, and their impact on LC–MS analyses
  • Discover how laboratory water is purified, and understand how purification technologies are combined to deliver optimal water quality
  • Learn how to obtain the best water quality for your experiments, and how this water should be optimally handled

Who Should Attend?

Any scientist doing or planning to do HPLC, LC–MS, or LC–MS/MS analyses, as well as lab managers and anyone using or maintaining laboratory water purification systems.


Estelle Riche, Ph.D.

Estelle Riche, Ph.D.

Lab Water Solutions

Global Application Specialist

Dr. Estelle Riche holds an engineering degree in chemistry from ESCOM (France) and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). Prior to joining Millipore SAS twelve years ago, she was an assistant professor in the School of Dentistry at UNC for four years. She is currently a Global Application Specialist for Lab Water Solutions, based in Guyancourt, France. Her responsibilities include understanding the potential impact of water contaminants on the results of analytical experiments and providing support to scientists regarding the optimal use of purified water in their experiments.

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