Glycoprofile Labeling Kits
The GlycoProfile™ Labeling Kits are designed for efficient labeling of N-linked, O-linked and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored glycans using your choice of 2-aminobenzamide (2-AB) or 2-aminobenzoic acid (anthranilic acid; 2-AA) 1,2. These small fluorophores increase the spectral absorption of glycans, improving detection in HPAE (high-performance anion exchange chromatography),3-6 HPLC4-7, and ESI-MS (electrospray mass spectroscopy) methods. Binding is robust and the resulting dye-glycan conjugates are stable, with no degradation during post-labeling analysis. 2-AB is recommended for downstream analysis by HPAE, HPLC and ESI-MS, although it is slightly less sensitive than 2-AA. 2-AA is recommended for SDS-PAGE, and is also suitable for HPAE, HPLC and ESI-MS.

Figure 1.Labeling of carbohydrates with 2-AB
Features and Benefits
- Each kit is complete, containing 2-AA or 2-AB dye, reductant and solvents.
- Sufficient for the preparation of up to 36 samples of mixed glycans containing from 100 picomoles to 50 nanomoles of purified glycans. With a single pure glycan, as little as 5 picomoles may be labeled and detected in subsequent HPLC analysis.
Note: Labeling of glycans with 2-AB is covered under US Patent No 5,747,347 and its foreign equivalents.
GlycoProfile™ Glycan Clean-Up Cartridges are recommended for use with the GlycoProfile Labeling kits for post-labeling cleanup. Glycans adsorb to the membrane while excess dye, mono- and disaccharides and other hydrophobic contaminants pass through. Purified labeled glycans are eluted with water and are ready for subsequent enzymatic digestion or analysis.
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