Calibration, Verification & Suitability Testing of Milli-Q® Water Purification Systems

Ensure the Integrity of Your Water Purification System
Your water purification system contains critical meters, sensors and monitors which must be routinely inspected and serviced to prevent damage and to guarantee your water meets manufacturer’s specifications. In addition, periodic calibration and verification are vital for quality assurance and to guarantee the reliability of your data.
Milli-Q® Services: Specialists in Compliance and Laboratory Accreditation
As more and more regulatory guidelines require laboratories to certify the quality of their analyses, Milli-Q® Services has developed a complete accreditation solution to meet your most stringent requirements and to help fulfill GxP (e.g. GLP and cGMP) demands. We offer Calibration, Verification and Suitability Testing services for all the meters, sensors and monitors on our water purification systems. You can trust in our 20 years of experience and partnerships with regulated laboratories.
Milli-Q® Services will give you full confidence in your measuring systems:
- Eliminate the risk of deviation over time
- Ensure the integrity of your work
- Strengthen your quality assurance status
Understand the Differences Between Calibration, Verification and Suitability Testing
We know it’s not always easy to determine if a verification procedure, a calibration procedure, or USP suitability test is the right solution for you. It depends on the impact of water on your applications, and on the type of accreditation or quality management system that you must follow. Our local experts in purified water regulations will help you make the most appropriate and suitable choice.
- Calibration: Ensures and adjusts measurement accuracy against traceable reference standards. The entire measurement chain is calibrated. Our calibration service includes a calibration certificate, critical for labs complying with quality standards (e.g., cGMP, GLP).
- Verification: Verifies and documents the accuracy of your system's meters against externally calibrated reference meters.
- Suitability testing: Ensures water quality measurement devices comply with US pharmacopeia (USP) requirements specified in chapter <645> for conductivity/resistivity* and chapter <643> for TOC†.
* For conductivity, resolution ± 0.1 μS/cm on the lowest range, cell constant ± 2%.
† Less than 500 ppb detection limits check.
Benefits of Our Calibration, Verification and Suitability Testing Services
For laboratories working in GxP and accredited environments, we are your partner of choice.
Our expertise is based on:
- Advanced system design and monitoring – Ensures the water purification system is aligned with the most recent regulatory guidelines
- Certified field service engineers – All tests are performed by specially trained validation experts
- Comprehensive protocols – All tests are performed using worldwide auditable standard operating procedures (SOPs) and documented with auditable reports that ensure traceability and compliance; Available for resistivity/temperature meters and TOC monitors
- Regularly calibrated instruments – All tests are performed with manufacturer-certified and calibrated instruments
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